티스토리 뷰


Where do you get your news from?(2/3)

In the end, I usually hear the news by word of mouth. I work in the school system, and I'm very close to the parents who are there. So when they hear of something interesting, they usually talk about it with me. Another way I hear about it is when my co-workers mention something on our off time, or when my friends who thought the news really hit home with them would say something. If it's a major issue, I will most likely see it on social media. I have a handful of contacts that keep up with the latest news and always find time to post about it.

Autobiography tells the story of a woman abandoned at birth

My next guest has quite the story. She stated out in life as an abandoned baby. She was discovered as a newborn inside a brown paper bag left on a toilet seat in a Rochester, New York bar-and-grill restroom.A.K. Driggs has had quite the life, and she's written a fascinating book about her story. Abandoned in Search of Rainbows chronicles her life. A.K., thanks for being here. Let's start from the beginning. What happened after you were discovered? " I wasn't adopted till I was almost, well, twwo and a half years old."

05-20 16:12
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