티스토리 뷰


What is your favorite public holiday?(1/3)

My favorite holiday is New Year's. I like it because it's the closest thing to a globally celebrated holiday. As you know, most holidays celebrate key historic, domestic events, or they have their origin in religious, political or cultural tradition, making them inherently local. And so there's something amazing about knowing that the entire world celebrates together on this day every year. Each country celebrates this period uniquely, and Japan is no exception.

Plant extract could be used to fight breast cancer

One of the key ingredients in making beer are the seed cones of the hop plant. They're also used in the manufacture of dietary supplements to help women relieve postmenopausal symptoms. Now, lab tests conducted by a research team at the University of Illinois at Chicago has found that an enhanced hops extract could also someday be used to ward off breast cancer. Researchers created compounds from the fortified hops extracts and then applied them to two different breast cell lines. They wanted to see if any of the compounds had an effect on the metabolism of estrogen, something that's considered a key process in breast cancer.

05-20 16:12
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